If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know that I love the Lord Jesus Christ. I love Him and I belong to Him. Song of Solomon 6:3 says, "I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine." Without apology, I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Roman 1:16).
Because I love the Lord Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior, I love His Word. As a stay-at-home wife and mom, I have dedicated myself to becoming a student to the Word of God. As a college dropout, I am quick to tell you that a high degree of education is not necessary in order for you to become a studentt of the Word of God. I am a huge supporter of education. I believe in higher education. However, that is not my story. I was a poor student in high school - rebellious, spiritually lost, separated from God and His Christ, unmotivated, and resistant to all authority.
AND THEN I MET JESUS. Since that time, nothing has been the same! At the age of 24 I heard the glorious news the God loved me and had a plan for my life. But I had a problem. Because of what Adam had done in the Garden of Eden, I was a sinner. My sin separated me from God. God had sent His only begotten Son to die for my sin and the sin of all humanity. If I was willing to invite Jesus into my life by faith and receive His grace gift of salvation, God would forgive my sin debt, give my life meaning, guide and direct me, and take me to heaven when I died. I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. He forgave my sin debt. He sent the Holy Spirit to live in my human spirit and act as my internal control; I had His Word to be my eternal control. God gave my live meaning and I live with the promise of heaven awaiting me when I die.
One of the many things I love about belonging to Jesus Christ is His Word. A source of strength, a guide for living, promises to claim, hope for facing crisis, relevant instructions for being a wife and mom, precepts and pricnicples to build a fulfilling life on the foundation of Christ, and a Book that a stubborn, fractured, damaged, weak, college drop out can read, understand, and apply to daily life. So, (0ne of the many) Things I Love on this Thursday is God's Word.
Word of God speak . . .
For more Things I Love click here and visit The Diaper Diaries. And don't forget to come by and play 5 Things Friday when we will post 5 of My Favorite Things.
And please join me for my on-line Bible study on the book of Ephesians entitled High Stepping for Heavenly Places. Click here for more information and check back on Monday for more details. My study for MOMS is free, non-denominational, and designed to help MOMS of toddlers, tweens, teens, and all the way through turning 'em loose!
You will be able to view my 45 minute lectures on-line, as well as download my PODCASTS at no cost. My 192-page workbook will be available here for $15.00 but is optional. Homework and on-line discussion will be a part of this study which will provide accountability, small group interaction with other MOMS, and tons of Biblical truth peppered with sanctified humor and personal illustrations. Blessings.
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