Okay all you sweet little mommies out there, we are about to crank up Bible study!! If you have a toddler, teen, or are ready to turn 'em loose into the adult world, you are invited to join us and study God's Word. If you live anywhere near Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. we would love to have you join us for our 10-week Bible study beginning September 17, 2009. "High Stepping in Heavenly Places" is my study on the book of Ephesians. We will be dealing with MOMMY issues like anger, using kind words, teaching responsibility, building strong friendships for yourself and your kids, and handing down your faith. Practical. Poignant. Profound. Join us as we study God's Word together. We offer free childcare and programming for home-schooled kiddos. You can get all the details at www.bellevue.org.
Can't join us at Bellevue? No problem. This year we are offering our study, "High Stepping in High Places" on-line! Can you believe it? I KNOW. We are so excited. Beginning Sept. 24th, you will be able to watch a 45 minute video and then go on-line to discuss what you are learning. MOMMAS from all over the States will be commenting, answering questions, sharing insight, and encouraging each other to press on in the awesome holy occupation of mothering. Our workbook will be available at www.jeanstockdale.com but is not required in order to participate in the study. Here are the answers to a few of the questions I have received.
Can you do the study if you are not a MOM? Absolutely! The study is open to everyone!
Do I have to buy the book to do the study? No, but it will greatly enrich your study if you do the homework in the interactive workbook.
How do I register? Just leave your name in the comment section.
What if I want to remain anonymous? That is fine. We are not requiring you to register. If you would like to stay anonymous just don't leave your name in the comment section. You will be able to join us on-line for the study without using your name.
Do I have to have a blog to participate? No. We have a blog that is dedicated to this study and we will give you the link in a couple of days. It is still under construction.
Is that a on-line facilitator? Yes. Ashley Anthony is our high-heeled MOMMY that will help keep the conversation moving along on-line.
I see that we will be watching a 45-minute video on-line. Who does the teaching? I do all the teaching. I have taught Bible study for MOMS for 21 years. It has become the driving passion of my life to encourage and inspire MOMMAS in the Word of God.
Who are you? I am a wife of Craig Stockdale (35 years and counting) and a mom. Craig is a landscaper and I have been a stay-at-home mom since our oldest, Jason, was born. We have raised and released 2 grown sons, Jason and Dawson, into the adult world. Both boys are married, have babies of their own, and are building their own households of faith.
Since you are not a "professional" in ministry, why do you do this? I vividly remember being a young mom with 2 little boys. I felt unqualified, unappreciated, unsure, unsettled, unskilled, and altogether unable to do what was required of me. I loved the Lord, I loved my husband, I loved my children, but I felt like I was drowning and no life preserver was in sight. As a young mom I begin to become a student of God's Word, confident it held the answers to my questions on how to become a godly mom.
When God granted me the opportunity to begin teaching MOMMIES, now 21 years ago, what the Word of God said about the holy occupation of mothering, I determined to be for other mommas what I had needed in those early days . . . a life line to Jesus and His Word! I never dreamed this would turn into a full-time ministry, nor was I looking to start up one, but . . . having raised 2 great guys I am now committed to to raising the next generation of great and godly MOMS
So there you have it. If you are a MOMMA or NOT, if you would like to study God's Word, if you could use some encouragement, if you need a good laugh, if you would like to connect with other like-minded women (at Bellevue or on-line), if you would like SOMEONE, ANYONE, to rise up and call you blessed . . . well, sisters, join us for some "High Stepping in Heavenly Places."
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