Craig and I, Roy and Renae Terrell, and Paul and Elesa Redmond have been privileged to be the cook team for Scott Benjamin's SS class for the last 3 marriage retreats. Both our guys and their sweet girls are in this class. God has used Scott and Gerri to develop a passion for the things of the Lord and Craig and I hold the Benjamins in very high regard. When someone teaches your child (children) spiritual truth they become a "forever hero" in your spiritual book. That is who the Benjs are to us. Anyays for 3 years we have acted as their cook time on their marriage retreat. We cook 3 meals a day for about 50 people for 4 days. Scott and Gerri take the group to a retreat center with no tv, cell service, or distractions. He pushes them to spend time with one another, with the group in Bible study, and with the Lord in prayer as a couple. He brings Biblical principles on marriage (a timely message if ever there was), does all sorts of activities so the couples will have time to pray, discuss some of the hard issues of marriage, verbally bless one another, praise Christlike character in each other, kneel at an altar to pray, write out past offenses and burn in the fireplace-praying over a renewed commitment to walk in all GOd's ways (this is some kinda holy moment I gotta tell you), nail offenses and unmet expecations to a cross and pray for a marriage that will stand the test of time and show the mystery of Christ and HIs church, and many other activities designed for the couples to have a fresh encounter with God.
We were able to free them from the responsibility of cooking and cleaning the kitchen. We plan huge meals to bless these young couples and to free them to focus on their marriage and what God has ordained it to be. It was an awesome privilege for us to stand on the sidelines and pray for these couples and cheer them on as they walk together with the Lord.
As a love gift, the Benj class sent the cook team of The Terrells. The Redmonds, and The Stockdales to Dinning with Sir Anthony. Jason and Patti, Scott and Geri, Besti and Jeremy, Eric and Ashley went with us. Sir Anthony is a British chef trained at the French Cordon Bleu school. He has been a chef for RIngo Starr and was under contract with the Bee Gees. He once owned a bakery in Pontatoc Ms. where his wife has family. For 4 years he has been cooking 7 course authentic French cuisine by reservation only in his home for groups of 12 or under. Sadly last night was their last night for a while. He is ready to hang up his apron for a while. Dinner started at 6:00 with the first course-3 meatballs in 3 sauces, then French onion soup (or snails for the more adventurous), then a salad with lettuce, fruit, and grilled shrimp that were not to be believed. Ravioli was the next course or parmesan cheese souffle which is what I opted for. Handmade lemon sorbet was served as a palate cleanser. Hurt me. Hurt me. My meal was a New York strip with fresh lobster tails in cream sauce. He served it with fabulous potatoes made with his homemade butter. Are you kidding me?? It was about 10:00 at this point. We had been up walking around, fellowshipping, and watching this master chef in action-lingering over our food and talking non-stop. Fabulous! Full! And oh so much fun! And then the dessert. Oh my soul-I had homemade bread pudding that was "lay your face in your plate" good. Other choices were chocolate fondue with his homemade marshmallows, sugar free cheese cake, apple crepes, creme brulee, and peppered strawberries. Now that was followed by cappuccino and homemade chocolate chip cookies!! At about 12:30 am we were sipping strong coffee and hugging our cookies to our chest in some sort of homage to the feast. Sir Anthony and his wife Betty are wildly entertaining, excellent hostesses, and his culinary skills are too wonderful to even believe!
I brought most of my meal home. Dawson, since you did not get to go, it all has your name on it. You will be stunned. Come and get it and prepare to be amazed! I may never eat again. Many thanks to the Benjamin SS class for the kind gift and the culinary experience of a lifetime. We giggled, we gorged, We groaned and best of all, we shared about what God is doing in our lives, and we spent 6.5 hours over one of the finest meals I have ever eaten.
I tell you, sweet body of Christ, I believe this was a harbinger of the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. After the church is raptured out of the world, and the 7-year tribulation is unleashed on the unbelieving world, the bride of Christ will be sequestered with her Heavenly Bridegroom. We will celebrate our betrothal and confess our love to our Bridegroom. We will celebrate our eternal union in glory. God will present the chruch, the bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle. Jesus, who has pai the ultimate dowry to redeem His bride, will seal the marriage vow with these words, "Well done. Welcome Home." The meal we had last night will pale in comparison but the fellowship cannot be much sweeter. I believe GOd is pleased to give us moments like last night, when believers who are sold out to God, are privileged to set together and fellowship over a lovely meal, urging one another to continue to press on in the Lord. Craig and I are more than blessed to be closely associated with so many people who love the Lord Jesus Christ and who are committed to following after Him.
Even so . . . come Lord Jesus. Hallelujah!
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