Under Grace and Over Coffee. Love it! I found Andrea and her fun blog as I have been strolling through the blogosphere. Miss Cute Thang describes herself this way: I take my coffee with milk, sugar, and the joy of knowing Jesus.
Get atta town! Me too!
She hosts this cutie meme called Caffeinated Randomness every Friday. The idea is to share about whatever is in your silly little (G-rated) head. Here is my Caffeinated Randomness.
I have been in a terrible funk. I have been battling some tough physical issues brought on by the fact that I am a woman of a certain age, thank you very much! Bummer. I had all kinds of health problems when i HAD hormones and now that I DON"T HAVE hormones, I am having all kinds of problems. Does that seem right to you? Me neither. Which is why I am in a funk. A funk I tell you. A funk. A serious funk.
You could say I am conflicted and have issues and you would not be wrong! Frankly, the physical maladies of being of a certain age have worn me down. I have had 3 migraines in 6 weeks after going several years with nary a one. I have had hot flashes of the thermo-nuclear variety. I have quit sleeping. Quit. Notta. No sleep people.
Now understand I am typically an enthusiastic woman with a joyful, albeit unrealistic, (I'll admit it-I have a Pollyanna mentality on life-you wanna make something of it!?!?) take on life. I look at life through my rose-colored bi-bifocals! So when I, with my sanguine cheery personality, get down in a funk . . . well it ain't pretty. For months I have labored under the weight of this funk. I have LOST MY JOY and I have lost courage. For those of you who know me, you know this is an unusual state for me and represents a seriously miserable and dangerous time in my life.
My physical issues have contaminated my spiritual life. I have lost my spiritual equilibrium and struggled to regain it. But then yesterday happened.
I am out of town. I am on a short trip to Louisiana and staying at a hotel. Yesterday I woke up in the Hampton Inn. The hour was early but I had managed to actually get some sleep - a real victory over the night before when I never did go to sleep. I know! That's what I'm talking about! But on Thursday morning I woke up in my hotel room in Louisiana. The room was dark and quiet. The sheets felt cool. The hotel provided feather pillows and I was all balled up in a stack of 'em.
As my thoughts drifted from my sub-conscious mind to my conscious, I was aware that my mind had been meditating on Eph. 6:10-18, the passage on the armor of God. Gently I heard the very loud and inaudible voice of my Savior in my inner man. "Child," He whispered. "You are under attack. The enemy is upon you. He has you by the wrist. Don't you feel his fiendish hot breath on your neck. He is moving in for a kill. Pull your sword, My child. Pull the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and run him through." And as God's Word came to my mind, Satan and his funk evaporated.
- "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed ; perplexed, but not despairing ;persecuted, but not forsaken ; struck down, but not destroyed ;always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh" (2 Corinthians 4:8-11).
I was sitting up in bed, hearing God speak, experiencing the sweetest peace and presence of the Lord.
I have been under a spiritual assault. I am about to launch an on-line Bible study for MOMS on the book of Ehpesains and Satan does not want MOMS to learn how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. In 2 weeks I will start teaching MOMS at Bellevue Baptist Church. The messages will be live streamed. Podcast will be available. I will be speaking in several churches this fall. Teaching God's truth puts me in the cross hairs of Satan and his hellbent minions.
I usually have my armor on and I intentionally keep my guard up. But this particular onslaught has been so heinous and so intense that I have buckled under the ungodly onslaught. Satan has pulled out all the stops and I had finally caved under the pressure.I was the target of friendly fire - being misunderstood and maligned. Financial pressures are tapping out my mental capability (and I know many of you are in the same place). My emotions are raw. Both of my children and their families were being repeatedly rattled by the wiles of the devil. One child was having severe headaches and we were very concerned. If you are a mom, your children will prove to be your "Achilles' heel." Touch my child and you touch the apple of my eye. I am the most vulnerable at the point of my children and the pain the enemy can inflict on my mother's heart by attacking my children (and/or their family) . . . well, it causes me to writhe in pain. A funk. A serious funk. Unable to right myself. Unable to regain my spiritual equilibrium. Until yesterday. Yesterday God showed up!!
Would you like to read some more Caffeinated Randomness. Click here and enjoy.
MOMS, please join me for my on-line Bible study on the book of Ephesians entitled
High Stepping for Heavenly Places.
Click here for more information and check back on Monday for more details.
My study for MOMS is free, non-denominational, and designed to help MOMS of toddlers, tweens, teens, and all the way through turning 'em loose! You will be able to view my 45 minute lectures on-line, as well as download my PODCASTS at no cost. My 192-page workbook will be available here for $15.00 but is optional. Homework and on-line discussion will be a part of this study which will provide accountability, small group interaction with other MOMS, and tons of Biblical truth peppered with sanctified humor and personal illustrations. I would be honored to be able to invest in your life and bless your family as you develop the fine art of Christian mothering. Blessings.
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