Is it Friday already? This week has flown by. It is already time to play Aloha Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that the Islanders take it easy and look forward to the weekend. In that tradition, Island Life is hosting a meme called Aloha Friday.
If you’d like to participate, leave your answer to my question in the comment section. Then just post your own question on your blog and leave your link to your Aloha Friday blog post by clicking here and going to The Island Life. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends! My question is: To read more Aloha Friday click here and play along.
Here is my Aloha Friday question.
What is your favorite fish or seafood?
Mine is shrimp. I love nearly all fish and every variety of seafood, but shrimp has been my lifelong favorite. We live in Memphis and getting "fresh" seafood is not easy. For a couple of days I have been in Louisiana and I have eaten the BEST shrimp. I will be blogging about my culinary tour of LaFayette, LA. complete with pictures. So you don't want to miss that. But the shrimp. Oh, the shrimp. Outstanding!
Leave your response in my comment section. Then write you own question, link your blog post URL to Island Life and join in all the fun. Stop back by and play 5 Things Friday with me. This week the blog post is about my 5 Favorite Things. Blessings.
And MOMS, please join me for my on-line Bible study on the book of Ephesians entitled
High Stepping for Heavenly Places.
Click here for more information and check back on Monday for more details.
My study for MOMS is free, non-denominational, and designed to help MOMS of toddlers, tweens, teens, and all the way through turning 'em loose! You will be able to view my 45 minute lectures on-line, as well as download my PODCASTS at no cost. My 192-page workbook will be available here for $15.00 but is optional. Homework and on-line discussion will be a part of this study which will provide accountability, small group interaction with other MOMS, and tons of Biblical truth peppered with sanctified humor and personal illustrations. I would be honored to be able to invest in your life and bless your family as you develop the fine art of Christian mothering. Blessings.
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