In March we are launching a new website for my ministry, Standing Near the Cross Ministries. I am a Christian author, Bible teacher and speaker. My website is used to manage my speaking ministry and the bookstore for my Bible studies and DVDs. I have written 7 Bible studies with accompanying DVDs (and CDs) for personal use, small group discipleship, or church ministries to MOMS.
My current website will remain active until the new one is launched in March. My blog will be incorporated into my website (I can hardly wait!). This Typepad blog will remain active until April 2010 and then will be replaced by the new one. I will post the new blog http as soon as it is available. I hope you will make note of my change of address and continue to connect with me!
The new site will offer some great new options for us to enlarge the reach of our Ministry to Moms all over the world. We will soon be offering e-books on topics such as Biblical discipline, training your child up in the way he should go, Bending the Twig without Breaking the Branch, Teaching Children about God, Becoming a Student of the Word of God, From the Profound to the Practical, Faith-Walking for Moms, Growing Godly Women, How did the Virtuous Women Get So Much Done, What a Girl Wants, and 1000 (more or less) other topics!
We will also be doing short videos to encourage and inspire you to become a godly woman. We will offer down-loadable study notes for our Bible studies and podcasts.
The new site will have a great calendar to let you know when and where I will be traveling and speaking. You will be able to get all the details to come and join us. AND we will have a newsletter. You will be able to register for it and receive a monthly devotional to urge you on in your faith-walk with Jesus Christ. We will also have information on how you can start a Ministry to Moms in your home or in your church.
Our purpose is to strengthen the home by encouraging women in the fine art of Christian mothering. Our new website will allow us to reach more moms with inspiration from the Word of God-taking the profound truth of the Word of God and making it practical for daily living.
To God be the Glory. Great things He has done!