Are you overtired, overwhelmed, overwrought, and just plain over it? Could you use a dose of encouragement? How 'bout some inspiration?
Join us on-line at 10:45 CST for a rousing 45-message from the Word of God. I am teaching through the Book of 2 Timothy. I have entitled the series Run Well, Finish Strong. It is about how to live out this faith thing in real time. The title of the message is "Practice Makes Perfect." If you want to join us click here and then click on the icon for Run Well, Finish Strong. If you cannot join us live, the message will be archived at the same location and posted in short order. We would love to have you tune in and join us.
Purchase the workbook by clicking here. It is not necessary to join in the study but it would greatly enhance your understanding of the priceless book of 2 Timothy.
Word of God speak . . .