You can watch our live video stream of Lesson 3 of Run Well, Finish Strong by clicking here at 10:45 (CST). It is the study of 2 Timothy on how to hand down you faith to your children and other parenting techniques.
Join us.
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You can watch our live video stream of Lesson 3 of Run Well, Finish Strong by clicking here at 10:45 (CST). It is the study of 2 Timothy on how to hand down you faith to your children and other parenting techniques.
Join us.
Posted at 07:49 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I have been blogging since 2006 to encourage moms in the fine art of Christian mothering. Since I began I have made 975 clever and snappy posts. Some 94,797 clever and snappy people have stopped by and read page after page of my riveting insights. And I am thankful for every opportunity to encourage a mom to press on in the awesome and aggravating task of mothering.
But it is time for a change. Stay tuned. Some big changes are coming.
Posted at 07:42 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I I DID NOT have breakfast in bed (last night), literally.
I DID NOT eat dry Honey Nut Cherrios Cereal for dinner last night. It is after all, the breakfast of champions!
I DID NOT eat straight out of the bag so I didn't mess up a dish.
I DID NOT eat my dry cereal while sitting in bed watching TV.
I DID NOT wake up with Cherrios stuck to me!
Actually I did. I hope you had a better day than I did! Blessings.
Linked to My Charming Kids.
Posted at 10:25 AM in Not Me Monday | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I am hosting an on-line Bible study on 2 Timothy called Run Well, Finish Strong. The study begins Thursday, Jan. 27th. (We have pushed it back a week). Click here and go to the Run Well, Finish Strong blog and you will get your instructions. Each week you will be able to view the 45 minute DVD, download the lecture notes, podcast the message, and interact with other moms online (at no cost).
The Run Well, Finish Strong workbook can be purchased by clicking here for $15.00. You will have a daily homework assignment to walk you through the book of 2 Timothy. I will help you take the profound truth of God's Word and make practical applications for daily living.
Leave me a note if you are going to study with us. I would love to "meet you", dear bloggy sister.
Posted at 09:41 AM in "Run Well, Finish Strong", 2 Timothy, On-Line Bible Study-2 Timothy | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Monkey Bread
3 cans refrigerated biscuits
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 sticks butter (3/4 cup)
1/2 cup white sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9-10 inch tube pan. Mix white sugar and cinnamon in a medium sized plastic bag. Cut the biscuits into halves or quarters and place six to eight biscuit pieces in the sugar cinnamon mix. Shake well. Arrange pieces in the bottom of the greased pan. Continue layering until all the biscuit pieces are coated and in the pan.
In a small saucepan, melt the butter with the brown sugar over medium heat. Boil for 1 minute. Pour over the layered biscuits. Bake for 35 minutes. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a plate.
The bread is great without this icing, but sister, IF YOU MAKE THIS ICING and serve it you will be LEGENDARY among the people. It is THAT good. It tastes just like the icing at a certain cinnamon roll company that has the nerve to fill the air with the aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls-stirring the senses and making the mouth water-while you are trying to tear through the airport to make your flight! FYI-You must beat it the full 12 minutes. And I serve this in a bowl on the side because it is SOOOOOO rich.
1/2 pound cream cheese
1/2 pound butter
1 pound powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Allow cream cheese and butter to get to room temperature. Beat butter and cream cheese together in a large bowl with a mixer. Slowly add in the pound of powdered sugar. After all the powdered sugar is added mix for 12 minutes (do not mix less than that). When almost done, add in the extract and lemon juice.
Prepare for all 5 of your senses to be called to do the dance of joy!
Linked to Blessed With Grace.
Posted at 11:15 AM in Recipes | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
A mom recently facebooked me and commented on how she struggled with keeping her mind focused on the Lord. She found herself repeatedly being tempted in her mind to think thoughts that were obviously planted by the enemy of her soul. They were thoughts that were contrary to the Word of God. An obvious ploy of the enemy to steal her joy and distract her from making forward progress in her walk with the Lord.
I can certainly relate! Cant you. We are our own worst enemy! Satan tosses his thoughts into our mind and, even though we know they are not true, we wrestle with them. Cruel thoughts. Wicked thoughts. Sinful thoughts. Self-loathing thoughts. Negative thoughts. And on and on. IF we do not CAST DOWN THESE VAIN IMAGINATIONS we will fall prey to them and act on them. So what is a mom to do?
So how do you go about casting down vain imaginations? This truth is just too good not to share with all my internets.
Paul wrote that we do not war according to the flesh (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Our warfare is not of this world; it is divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. That is, if you have a stronghold, which is a deeply embedded sinful habit pattern, you can pull it down and destroy it by appropriating the powerful spiritual warfare that is ours in Christ. We destroy vain imaginations (KJV), speculations and every lofty things raised up against the knowledge of God, by casting down any thought that does not line up with the Word of God or what we know of the Son of God. We take the thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That is, we march the thought that we captured before we acted upon it, and present our captive thought to our Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ. We ask Him to crucify the thought and by faith thank Him for doing so. Then we continue our walk of faith. Great truth.
Now how does it work? Thought-"I am such a bad Christian that God could never really love me." Truth-That thought does not line up with the Word of God. I John 4:10 says, In this is love,not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (See, this is why you must know the Word of God! How else will you recognize the vain imaginations that are lifted up against the knowledge of God?) Test-Can you capture the thought or do you get some kind of perverted pleasure from denigrating yourself? Do put-downs come easily? Has your self-worth been so debased that you really believe the lies the enemy is shooting your way? Can you capture the thought before you act upon it (giving into depression or self-loathing) and turn to the Lord, marching the thought at gunpoint (mentally) to your Commander in Chief and asking Him to crucify the thought. Triumph-Yeah! You have taken your thought captive to the obedience of Christ, cast down the lies of the enemy, crucified self and exalted Christ in your life. God gets all the glory because our weapons are not of this world, but they are "other-worldly!" Sister-you rock! This process works for any lie of the enemy ("You are stupid", "You are worthless", "You are a bad mother" etc. )or any stronghold (anger, jealously, lust, envy, etc.) that has built a giant honking strong tower in your psyche. This, sisters, is how you pull it down...brick by are delivered as you repeat the process so many times that it becomes as natural to you as breathing. When you are successful, you put your foot on the neck of your enemy and he is forced to admit that Jesus is Lord!This is why we must put on the helmet of salvation-to guard our thought life-lest we allow the enemy to find a chink in our armor and exploit it or lest we allow a sinful habit pattern to remain unchecked and develop into a stronghold.
So, my beloved internets, memorize Scriptures that will be useful when the enemy comes against you to your specific weakness and point of vulnerability. Hold forth the shield of faith, draw the sword of the spirit and fight the good fight of faith.
Write and let me know how you are doing at developing the spiritual discipline of casting down vain imaginations. Blessings.
Posted at 08:45 PM in Monday Morning Manna for MOMS | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
In the Garden, Adam and Eve gave away the entire estate of mankind because Satan deceived them and enticed them to indulge the desires of the flesh. He cast doubt on God's revealed revelation to them. Satan taunted the woman while Adam stood by and gave up his position as spiritual leader, protector and provider of the home. And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes. The tree was desirable to make one wise. Deluded. Deceived. Disobedient. Eve took and she ate and she gave to her husband with her. He ate also. Sin entered. Man's ruin was wrought. All of mankind was plunged into the domain of darkness by the sin of one man. It could only be regained by a Man. But not only man; only a sinless perfect Man could pay sin's debt. It would take the substitutionary death of one Man-the sinless Son of God.
Sin-Man's Ruin. The Cross-God's Remedy.
Hallelujah for the Cross!
Linked to Spiritual Sundays.
Posted at 10:38 AM in Sunday Selections | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
It almost goes without saying, but I dislike discipline. I like to play. I like to nap. I like to sit on the couch and do nothing. I like to read. And did I mention, I love a good catnap! I have a very sanguine nature and I simply do not like discipline. It is hard and it is my nature to avoid anything that is hard! I find any form of discipline to be constraining and uncomfortable. But as I walk with God, I am discovering that the essence of the Christian life is just plain ole discipline. Bummer!
I believe discipline must spring forth from a devotional love for the Lord, and not from the legalistic approach that enjoys living by external rules and regulations in order to impress or appear spiritual. What I am talking about must issue forth from an internal motivation based on a love relationship with the Lord.
I want God's power on my life. I want a life that counts for Christ. I want to actively be involved in the kingdom work. I want that more than I dislike discipline. I am finding that it takes discipline to read the Word and study it. It takes discipline to pray and plead on behalf of my personal prayer assignments. It takes discipline to give and love and serve as Christ would have me do as His ambassador here on earth. It takes discipline, something that does not come easily for me. Did I mention, I like to take catnaps? But I am finding that in order to facilitate my calling and fulfill God's purpose and plan for my life, I must become disciplined. I must be disciplined because I am devoted. I am devoted to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I choose Christ. I choose discipline. In I Timothy 4:7-8 Paul wrote, "Disciple yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."
I choose discipline. How about you?
Posted at 06:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
My next Bible study is on the book of 2 Timothy entitled, Run Well, Finish Strong. The book of 2 Timothy is Paul's final book before he was martyred for the faith. Paul ran his race, finished his course, and kept the faith. In this letter, he was essentially passing the baton to his true child in the faith, Timothy. His poignant words to run well the race God has given him are deeply meaningful to Christan moms who desire to see their children come to faith and walk with the Lord. This study is designed to give moms practical ways to hand down a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to their children.
Sanctified humor and healthy doses of practical illustrations are incorporated with Biblical truth in this study. Any mom who desires to pass her faith along to the next generation would benefit from this study! The study begin at Bellevue Baptist Church in the Memphis area on Jan. 14th. Click here for more details.
The on-line study begins on Jan. 21st. You can view the 45 minute DVD, download the lecture note, and interact with other moms online. The workbook costs $15.00 plus shipping and handling. Click here to order the book (which is not required to do the online study but will greatly enhance your understanding.) Details for the online study will be forthcoming but I encourage you to purchase your workbook asap.
Interested in beginning a MOMS ministry in your home or church? My study is designed to be done by an individual, in a small accountability group or in a church setting with the accompanying DVDs. Book (218 pages) $15.00 plus shipping and handling. Contact our Standing Near the Cross ministry office at 877-409-5564 for information or click here
Posted at 06:05 PM in "Run Well, Finish Strong", 2 Timothy, Bible Study | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Jill Johnson's Low Fat Double Chocolate Chip Brownies
2 cups (12 oz.) pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 Tbsp. margarine
3 egg whites
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
1/3 chopped nuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 350. Melt 1 cup chocolate chips, sugar, applesauce, and margarine in a large, heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat. Add egg whites; stir well. Stir in flour, baking soda, salt and vanilla. Stir in remaining chips and nuts. Spread into greased and floured 9x13 inch pan. Bake 16 to 20 minutes or just until set.
For fudgier brownies, bake to minimum baking time. Cool completely and cut into squares.
Note: These are best if you bake just before serving. Yields: 24 brownies. Serving size is a 2x2 inch square.
Approximate Nutrient Analysis:
Calories: 160 Protein: 1 gram Fat: 6 grams
Carbs: 26 grams Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 28 mg
Fiber: 0.3 grams
Enjoy! They are very delicious! I used the mini-semi-sweet chocolate chips as the remaining chips....either size will be very chocolatety! :)
Jill is a registered dietitian. Thanks Jill for sharing this recipe.
Linked to Blessed With Grace.
Posted at 11:17 AM in Recipes | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I'll ask a question and you leave me your response in the comment section.
So what is your most lofty goal for 2010?
Mine is to get some regular exercise. I have let my exercise lapse. Frankly I cannot stand to exercise but I recognize it is necessary in order not to burn out, fizzle out, or rust out. Because I am involved with ministry, teaching moms, writing studies, traveling, and encouraging women to walk with Christ, I realize that this issue cannot be ignored or neglected. Bummer.
Linked to Aloha Friday.
Posted at 06:51 PM in Aloha Friday | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
So are you ready for some Bible study? Join us at Bellevue Baptist Church on Jan. 14th at 9:30 for my 10-week study on 2 Timothy called "Run Well. Finish Strong" on how to hand down your faith.
For details to register yourself, signup for our free nursery, or inquire about the program for home schooled children just click here.
Hope to see you there.
Posted at 06:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
"Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren."
Deuteronomy 49 (KJV)
Linked to Wordfilled Wednesday.
Join us in a study on 2 Timothy on how to hand down the faith to your children. Click here for more details.
Posted at 08:36 PM in Word Filled Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Our children attended a "Dress in Your Favorite Decade Party" and here is their outfits.
They are rocking the '80s.
Fashion tip: If you are old enough to remember a trend, you are TOO old to wear it when it comes around again!!!
Linked to Wordless Wednesday, 5 Minutes foMoms, AND Extraordinary Mothers .
Posted at 08:30 PM in Wordful Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
How does your garden grow?
I took this picture outside a shop, Pickenpaugh Pottery, in Montgomery, MS. Southerns love their gardens. So . . . if you can't make your flowers grow, then make pottery ones and decorate your garden.
Linked to A Southern Daydreamer.
Posted at 08:21 PM in Outdoor Wednesdays | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a cranky-baby-hissy-fitter, how much of a complainer are you? A 2. I don't like to hear complaining - especially if it is coming out of my OWN mouth.
2. When someone else is talking, do you listen, or are you thinking about what you're going to say in response? I talk alot but I intentionally work at being a good listener. I put alot of value in words. I like to use them and I like to hear them.
3. I just deleted 1062 messages from my email account. Do you have any plans for a clean sweep this month--of anything? I cleared out my scrapbooking completely. I needed the space and I don't have the time to do it, although I love the hobby. I decided to switch to digital scrapbooking though and I sold ALL my supplies and rejoiced in my ability to tackle something that represents a "major" life change for me.
4. Tell us about your perfume. Was it a gift? What does it remind you of? Do you have a signature scent? I only wear Burberry Classic. It has a clean fresh smell. Because it tends to linger on my clothes and in my closet, I don't like to change up perfumes. I purchased it myself and I have worn this for years and never tired of it.
5. What is your best organizing tip for the new year? Buy plastic boxes in assorted sizes, sort like items and place together, and label the box. Purge anything that you did not use last year. Too many folks out there are in need for us to hang on to stuff we are not using.
6. What is your favorite comic strip? The Far Side which is no longer written, but oh the humor!
7. Do you sleep with a fluffy or flat pillow? I use a very firm pillow.
8. What color is your kitchen? Why did you choose that color? I have a warm golden neutral. I saw it in my friend's house and loved it so I copied hers.
9. What’s the most interesting bumper sticker you’ve seen? "Elvis is dead and I don' feel so good either!" (Since I live in Memphis this tickled me).
10. Do you prefer an expensive writing tool or whatever is lying around? (Are you a Montblanc or a Papermate?) I am a cheap pen snob. I only use a BP Zebra F-301 fine point blue pen. I buy them in bulk (about 1.40 a piece I think) and keep them all over my house.
11. What chore doesn’t feel like a chore – you just enjoy it (at least most of the time)? I love to iron although I seldom do it any more. But you get immediate gratification. It does not require a ton of mental energy to do it and I love to watch wrinkles disappear under the steamy moist heat. What's not to love?
12. If your parents often repeated themselves, what is something one of them said more than once? I am drawing a total blank but it probably had something to do with me driving them nuts by talking so much.
Linked to 2nd Cup of Coffee.
Posted at 08:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
This week we get to ask a question of our readers. I write and teach Bible studies to a group of moms. Here is my question.
What is your greatest challenge as a mom?
If you don't mind, tell me how many children you have the the ages of your children. Thanks.
Would you be interested in studying 2 Timothy with us on-line? Beginning Jan. 21 we are doing "Run Well. Finish Strong" to learn how to hand down the faith to your children. Click here for details.
Linked to We Are That Family.
Posted at 07:44 PM in "Run Well, Finish Strong", 2 Timothy | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
God has been so good to me. It is hard to pick one thing to be grateful for, but it is also important to take time to recognize my blessings.
I am grateful that my children are building their own households of faith.
"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth."
(3 John 1:4)
Join me in the study "Run Well. Finish Strong" on 2 Timothy to find out how to hand down a living faith to your children. For more details click here. Blessings.
Linked to Gratituesday.
Posted at 07:03 AM in "Run Well, Finish Strong", 2 Timothy, Family and Faith, Gratituesday | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Crock-Pot Potato Soup
12 potatoes; peeled and chopped (but I keep the peel on mine)
1 sm. onion; chopped
1 can reduced Campbell's fat free Cream of Chicken soup
8 oz fat free Philadelphia cream cheese; softened
1/4 tsp black pepper
3 (14.5oz) cans Campbell's Chicken Broth
8 pcs John Morrell bacon, cooked & crumbled
14oz 2% Velveeta cheese; cubed
In crock-pot, stir together potatoes and onion. Stir in bacon. Combine cream cheese, chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, and pepper. Add the mixture to the crock-pot. Cover and cook the soup on LOW for 10 hours (or on HIGH 4-5hrs). One hour prior to serving add the Velveeta. Makes 14 cups. Serving size 1 cup.
Linked to Blessed With Grace and All The Small Stuff and Balancing Beauty and Bedlam and Dining With Debbie.
Please join me for my Bible study on 2 Timothy called "Run Well. Finish Strong." Let's learn how to hand down the faith to our children. Details here.
Posted at 03:34 AM in Crock Pot Cookery, Recipes | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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