My Randon Top Ten Facts
1. I cannot fall asleep unless all of my covers are smooth and neat.
2. I sometimes eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without bread by getting a scoop of peanut butter on the spoon and dipping it in the jelly jar. A meal on a spoon and only one utensil to wash.
3. I cannot stand to drink milk except in my coffee
4. Mexican is my favorite food.
5. I love to eat out but I don't do it often.
6. I live out so far in the country they will not deliver pizza to my house.
7. I love to label stuff.
8. My husband gave me my own remote control.
9. I love dishes.
10. Browsing through an antique/junk shop is one of my favorite things to do.
So, what are 10 Random Things about you?'
For more Top Ten Tuesday click here.