I am very well aware of many wonderful ministries to invest in. And I do not mean to take away anything from any of those wonderful works for the kingdom of God. I am even a little hesitate to broach this, but I have 2 ministries that I can personally endorse and thought you might prayerfully want to consider investing in.
First, NATIVE Ministry, which was founded by Edgar Suthulri in Hyderabad, India. I became acquainted with NATIVE Ministries when I was invited to teach at the Grace Suthulri's Women's Conference in the summer of 2006. I was unfamiliar with Edgar or his ministry, but the conference was short a couple of Bible teachers and I gladly accepted the invitation.I traveled with another Bible teacher from Memphis and joined up with 10 other Bible teachers from all over the country. I cannot even begin to describe the eternal impact this event had on my life. Over 800 women came to study God's Word. I fell in love with the Indian people and with this ministry. I returned the next year and taught again. Click here and click here to read my post about it. Again I returned with the Indian people tucked in my heart.
NATIVE has planted over 130 churches and disciplined over 10,000 people. Edgar's New Testament method of making disciples for Christ has produced fruit 100-fold.
Now Edgar has enlarged his ministry to reach widows. In the villages of India, where Edgar does most of his work, the outlook for widows is very bleak. Superstitions and cultural practices deem widows as a bad omen. They may be ostracized, ridiculed, beaten, or even driven from their home. Edgar's ministry provides (at least temporary) shelter for them, shares Christ with these women, provides for their physical needs, trains them in literacy and a marketable skill like sewing or weaving, and trained in basic evangelism and discipleship. Currently NATIVE is providing monthly support for 89 widows but 320 more are in need of support.
For $15.00 a month, you can support a widow through NATIVE's Grace to Naomi ministry to widows. The widow receives 100% of your gift, although this can only provide a very modest existence. If you sense the Lord prompting you to participate in this ministry click here and find out more about NATIVE ministry. I noticed that the Grace to Naomi Ministry is not yet listed on Edgar's website.
Edgar was stricken with a stroke at the age of 42 and lost the use of his right hand and leg. He received medical treatment in the States and returns once a year for medical check-ups as well as fund-raising. Craig and I had dinner with him and got to hear about this ministry firsthand.
Global Ministries Fellowship (located here in Memphis) helps distribute the funds for NATIVE. You can make your check payable to GMF, Box 1150, Cordova, TN. 38088. The phone number is 901.684.5556 Ext. 105 (Jimmy Ervin) or email: [email protected].
Because I love this ministry so much, I simply could not resist making this need known to you.
And then there is Point of Impact Ministry that reaches the children and youth of Honduras for Christ. This ministry, founded by David and Ruth Hamilton (members of our church) has founded a school, a medical clinic, a food program, and other programing that shares Christ with children from impoverished areas. David is a business man in the Memphis area. He and Ruth went to Honduras about 10 years ago as chaperone's with a youth group from Bellevue Baptist Church. God so impacted them with the needs of children that David and Ruth founded the ministry. They have poured their own funds into their ministry and spent countless hours in Honduras in order to reach these children for Christ, rescue young men from gangs, disciple them and help meet some of their physical needs.
The ministry offers discipleship, tutoring, medical assistance, nutrition, and sports training to reach these children for Christ. The ministry is providing backpacks for the new school year, beginning in February. Each backpack will have a new uniform, shoes, and school supplies. The cost of a backpack is $40.00. If you would like to invest in the life of a child in Honduras click here and read more about this awesome ministry. And prayerfully consider purchasing a backpack for a grateful child in Honduras.
I can testify of the validity of both of these ministries. Should the Lord lead you to support either of these ministries, the funds will go for the furtherance of the Gospel in India and Honduras.
"To the extent that you did it to . . . the least of them, you did it to Me."
Matthew 25:40