"In Him, you also after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having als beelieved, you were sealed in HIm with the Holy Spirit of prmise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory."
Ephesians 1:13-14
When our older son, Jason, prepared to ask the great love of his life, Patti Straznicky, to become his bride, he asked Craig and I to go with him to pick out the engagement ring. My husband and I arrived at the jewelers ahead of Jason. In my typical fashion, I was armed with tissues (this was a very emotional event for me personally) and my camera. I knew I would never forget the depth and breadth of the reeling emotions I was feeling as I prepared to launch this child into a new and exciting phase in his life. I wanted to capture this momentous occasion on film.
When Jason arrived, Craig and I watched as the jeweler pulled out cases of engagement ring settings and stones. As my son gently fingered each delicate setting, I had to take a deep breath to avoid caving under the waves of emotions that were welling up and threatening to overwhelm me. After making his selection, Jason made elaborate plans to propose to his darling bride-to-be.
When Jason gave Patti an engagement ring, it was a promise of a future event. The engagement ring did not make them married, but it did promise his intention to take her as his lawfully wedded wife in the near future. At the moment of conversion, having also believed, we were placed in Christ. We become part of the body of Christ. It is an unfathomable truth for our pitiful finite minds, but it is nonetheless true of us as believers. We are in Him and He now resides in us in the person of the Holy Spirit of God. At conversion, we were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise. When we believed on Jesus and invited Him into our lives, He gave us as His seal of authenticity, the indwelling Holy Spirit. In Bible days, hot wax was applied to important documents and imprinted with a signet ring indicating ownership. In the same way, God stamped His approval on our conversion experience by giving us the Holy Spirit of promise as His seal of authenticity and ownership.
The Holy Spirit is also given to us at the moment of conversion as a pledge of our inheritance. In the original language, the word pledge meant “a down payment or earnest money.” It also came to mean “an engagement ring.” That is, the Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance of the glory that is to come. He is our earnest money—God’s down payment on our future and full redemption. The Holy Spirit is also our engagement ring to our Heavenly Bridegroom. We are not only in a legal relationship with the Father, but also a love relationship. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the believer’s unmistakable evidence of God’s favor. It is proof of our salvation and the guarantee of eternal glory.
May God bless and keep you this week. For more Spiritual Sunday post click here. Blessings.
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