I wrote this study especially for MOMMAS to encourage women in the fine art of Christian mothering. Mothering is a tough gig - no doubt about that! Every mom needs huge doses of encouragement and inspiration. God's Word has much to say about this holy occupation and how to hand down a living faith to the next generation. I can hardly wait to hear what they are learning as they study "High Stepping in Heavenly Places." We are studying how to walk by faith AND wear cute shoes while you are at it!
For anyone interested, it is not too late to join in. Click here and check it out. You can purchase the interactive workbook by clicking here, but the workbook is not necessary in order to participate in the study. Learning to study God's Word is a life-changing investment. We have 45-minute DVD to accompany the study. A link to see the DVD is posted on our High Stepping in Heavenly Places blog. We also have a link to my study notes for each of the 10 lessons for you.
You can also download the messages from the Ephesian study as PODCASTS.We have the first and second PODCAST on the book of Ephesians posted on this blog. The title of the first lesson is "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" The second lesson is "The Price is Right." Do you see a game show theme working here?
In order to download the PODCAST click here. You will land on my page entitled Podcast Bible Studies. Please help us spread "the WORD" and tell all your MOMMA friends to join in our study.
FYI-The PODCASTS for Philippians entitled "Joy in the Journey" are also available. Click here or go to my Podcast Bible Studies page. I have 10 45-minute messages on a verse-be-verse study Philippians. The workbook can be ordered by clicking here if you choice to use it in conjunction with the PODCAST study.
It is my hope to engage the blogoshpere with the Word of God. I know and love the Lord Jesus Christ and I am hoping to encourage and inspire MOMMAS in their walk with the Lord. I can personally testify of the power of God to change a life. Mine has been dramatically changed after asking Christ into my life and committing to study and obey His Word and depend on His Spirit. The study of God's Word has changed my life, my marriage, my mothering, and every other relationships. I would count it a privilege to be able to share the things of God with you!
Are you "High Stepping in Heavenly Places" with us either on-line are at Bellevue Baptist Church? If so, what is God teaching you from the book of Ephesians? Leave me a comment. Blessings.