Podcasts. Seriously, how hard could it be to host a podcast. Seriously. How?
In order to engage as many MOMMAS as can in the blogoshpere to encourage MOMMAS in the fine art of Christian mothering, we are making the podcasts for my Bible study on Ephesians entitled "High Stepping in Heavenly Places" available RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW from my blog site.
Posting podcasts has proved harder than one might expect!
We started with my study on the book of Philippians called "Joy in the Journey." How hard could this be?Here was our first effort.
We called in on of our resident experts, Jason. He had never posted a podcast but he was willing to pitch in for us!
We did our research. Directions were downloaded and printed. Soon stacks and stacks of papers filled the desktop and spilled onto the floor.
Considering my computer skills, I was assigned the task of taking notes on each step we took.
Frustrated, Ray and I decided to call in another consultant.
Finally, four days and some 68 man-hours - frought with irritations, frustrations, and a million little electronic aggravations - later . . . we got this message:
And this is what I did:
Whas a long strange trip its been!
The podcasts for my Bible study on the book of Philippians called "Joy in the Journey" can be downloaded by clicking here.
Now we are in the process of posting the podcasts for the study "High Stepping in Heavenly Places". It will take us a few more days, but stay with us. Soon we will have those up too. AND they are free for the taking!
If you are interested in joining us for the on-line Bible study, visit our "High Stepping in Heavenly Places" blog. To purchase my interactive Bible study workbook click here.
We are hoping to have the opportunity to instruct MOMMAS with the Word of God and encourage MOMMAS with the Spirit of God. Help us spread the Word!