I did NOT find water standing under my kitchen sink. NOT ME. NO, NOT ME.
I did NOT walk into my garage and find my kitchen sink sitting in the middle of it. NOT ME. NO. NOT ME.
I did NOT go to Lowe's with my husband and stand around looking bored, because I just don't get that place. I am not the least bit handy, so I don't know what to do with myself! It seems like a clubhouse of sorts with a sign that says, "NO GIRLS ALLOWED." Or maybe a fraternity house. I just don't get it. I think Lowe's should have a ladies shoe department. Then we would both have a good shopping experience at Lowe's. Because seriously, I don't get it. What is the draw of that place? Why do men get all giddy when they go in Lowe's? And become sorta glassy-eyed as they gaze at the shelves of unidentifiable tools, plumbing parts, and electrical gadgets? Shoes. Shoes and bags. That's what that place needs!
I did NOT go get my camera and discover 2 of our 4 dogs (Sadie the boxer and her buddy, Codie) standing over my kitchen sink in the middle of my garage. I DID NOT.
And I sure DID NOT watch while both boxers, Marleigh and Sadie, and Codie all gathered around my kitchen sink which was sitting in the middle of the garage. NO. I DID NOT. NOT ME.
And I sure did not let all these dogs stand next to my kitchen sink in the middle of my garage. I DID NOT. NO. NOT. ME. Because that would be so very unsanitary and no one likes that!
I DID NOT realize how grateful I am to have a husband who is willing to tackle a project like this to save the expense of a plumber. And I DID NOT realize how thankful I was for Roy Terrell, who came over and pitched in on the kitchen project. I DID NOT know how grateful I was for my buddy, Renae Terrell, for helping me make a selection on the new faucet.
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