Welcome to 5 Things Friday. Can you believe it? It's Friday again! And you know what that means. It's 5 Things Friday! This week the blog post is about a few of my favorite things. Rain drops and roses and whiskers on kittens. Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. These are a few of my favorite things.
1. The Fam-No list about my favorite things would be complete without a mention of my family. Faith and family ARE my favorite things. My sweet husband, Craig Stockdale ,and I have been married for 35 years and he remains the great love of my life. Our love has produced great sons, Jason and Dawson. Their bridses, Patti and Kathryn added more branches to our family tree. Jason and Patti's little twig, Declan, and Dawson and Kathryn's twig, Grayson, are enlarging and enriching the Stockdale family tree. Craig loves me like Christ loves His bride, the church. I am blessed to count Mr. Stockdale as one of My Most Favorite Things.
2. This teapot is one of my favorite things. I'm a little teapot short and stout. Tip me over and pour me out. A cup of freshly brewed hot tea is definitely one of my favorite things. This addiction to hot tea led to an equally troubling addiction - collecting teapots.
When Jason was 15 he went to live with an exchange student and his family in Paris, France. When he returned he had this teapot in hand. He had purchased it for me Paris. That was a wonderful gift, but the greatest part of this love gift was the fact that my son had hand held the teapot all the way home from Paris, France to Memphis, Tn. to avoid having it broken. The gift was gracious; the kid is priceless.
3. Siamese box-This is a gift from my sister. I have a treasured cat companion. Joseph is a chocolate point Siamese. He exudes elegance and grace and a great affinity for sleeping on my laptop. This little box sits on a shelf in my kitchen and I smile every time I see it.
4. It's Good to be Queen. Seriously. Good. Seriously good. Several years ago I wrote a Bible study on the Book of Esther. During that study I re-discovered that my salvation placed me, not just in the body of Christ, but in the; family of God. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus. I am a member of the Royal Family of God. My crown is a visual aid to remind me of my high standing in the sight of God. Of course, there is more to the Christian life than looking good in the crown! My high standing in Jesus Christ cannot tolerate low living! My crown, situated in a highly visible place in my kitchen, helps me set my mind on the things above and not on the things of earth (Col. 3:1-3). It reminds me that I am a child of the King. In Christ I am redeemed, ransoned, reconciled and a member of the royal family of GOD.
5. Loose Tea Holder-This antique loose tea brewer has long been a favorite possession of mine. I found it in a little antique store in Franklin, TN. It is a reminder of the fine art of brewing a perfect cup of tea and sharing it with a precious friend.
There you have it. A few of my favorite things. Here is my list of my 5 Favorite Things. Please share your list with us. Write a blog about your 5 Favorite Things. Link your post (not your home page but your URL address) back to MckLinky. Leave me some comment love. And then click over to visit with other bloggers who have joined in. Next week we will share 5 Travel Tips.
And please join us for our on-line BIble Study for MOMS on the book of Ephesians called High Stepping in Heavenly Places. My 10-week study is non-denominational and perfect for MOMS with toddlers all the way up to lacking them out into the adult world. A workbook is available for $15.00 but is not mandatory. Homework discussion will be moderated on a blog. Accountability, encouragement, Biblical instruction, and loads of personal illustration will help you train up your child in the way he should go and pass down your faith to the next generation. On Monday I will post more details for our upcoming study.
So there you have it. My list of my 5 Favorite Things. Now it is your turn. Write a list of your 5 Favorite Things and link your post back to mine. And join in next week when we will play 5 Things Friday again.