I have 2 grandsons. Declan is 2 years old and Grayson is 1 year. For the first time in a long time, I have little ones crawling, walking barefoot, wallowing, worming, squirming, playing, and/or laying on my kitchen floor. Now I am in no way obsessive about keeping a clean house. To let you think otherwise would be misleading. But I am concerned about what our Baby Grands are exposed to while visiting at our house. Toddlers put things in their mouths. Things that have been on the floor. Toys. Fingers. Food. Whatever. So I have began to rethink what I clean with. I have rediscovered the value of vinegar for all-around cleaning. VInegar Works For Me. It is all natural. It is cheap. It does a great job and it eliminates the concern for harsh chemicals. This WORKS FOR ME.
This cleaning "recipe" is from a site called Vinegar Tips which gives about a million ways to use vinegar. Check it out.
Get a shining finish on a no-wax vinyl or linoleum floor by cleaning it with a solution of one cup white distilled vinegar for every gallon of water.
By the way, I have raised 2 little boys into men. Great men. Godly men. Great husbands. Fabulous daddies. Little boys are the only raw material God uses to build men. And He uses MOMS (just like me and you) in the process. Stunning, I know. Desperate, dysfunctional, damaged MOMS like me to raise children. Moms, like me, that quickly discovered I was in way over my head trying to raise children, and was left with no other option than to cast myself upon the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And He has been FAITHFUL. "Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself." FAITHFUL. God is faithful.
Having said that, MOMS, can I give you a word of advice? DO NOT TRADE A PERFECTLY CLEAN HOUSE (OR THE PURSUIT OF IT) IN THE EXCHANGE FOR TIME WITH YOU KIDDOS. Little ones grow up very fast. Investing in a house (or anything else for that matter) is a poor trade-off. While my own boys were young, we had a saying around our house. "We are raising boys, not a house." I am not encouraging you to be slothful or lazy or neglectful. Homes must be maintained. But character must be built. Fun must be had. Memories must be made. Games must be played. Books must be read aloud. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ must be displayed in your (an mine) flawed humanity redeemed by grace. Otherwise, you are silently communicating the great value you place on your home, your reputation as a perfect mom, the pursuit of perfectionism, your value of possessions over people, and/or your need to meet unrealistic expectations.
Sweet MOMS, step away from the sink. Put down the vacuum. Don't dust today. Grab some books. Gather your flock. Sit on the floor and play for a while. When your little guys ask, "Mom, what is up with this?" Give them a hug and tell 'em its a gift from ME. That, is what WORKS FOR ME!
I am launching a carnival on Friday called "Five Things Friday." Each week I write about 5 Things I Wish I Had Known When My Children Were Small. Please join me on Friday and play along.