As a young mom I wish I had known these five things. I think this knowledge would have enabled me to relax and enjoy the ride of motherhood just a bit more.
1. I wish I had known that one day my grown son would sit down and ask me, "So, tell me about your day."
2. I wish I had known that one day I will be able to go to sleep without wondering if a child would wake me up.
3. I wish I had known that one day my house would be so quiet that I would long for the noises that accompany a house full of kids.
4. I wish I had known that one day my grandchildren would love making noise and I would secretly smile at the full-circle moment. Two little boys in a tiny cottage home make lots and lots of noise. I did not like noise. They did. This was sweet payback, if you ask me. Payback. That's what I call it. Payback!
5. I wish I had known that my two boys would become great friends. At times, sibling rivalry was so strong-along with a natural competitive bent boys are created with-that I assumed our boys would not even be speaking to each other. Turns out they are great friends. What a blessing.
When I was a mom with little guys, I was convinced I was in the process of scarring my boys beyond repair. I expected to spend their college tuition on professional counseling to repair the emotional damage I had done to their psyche. I felt overwhelmed, overtired, overwrought, and under-qualified.
The Lord Jesus was well-pleased with the widow's mite, saying she did would she could. Others did more. Others gave more. Others had more to give. But she gave what SHE COULD. As I mothered, I did what I COULD. Other moms did more, gave more, and had more to give. But God multiplied the work of my hands as I surrendered to Him.
As a young mom I never felt adequate, but I continually cast myself on His grace as I raised my children. It was not always pretty. It was not always tidy. I was not always consistent in my efforts, but God knew my heart and He helped my boys to know my heart as well. He helped my sons overlook my momentary failures of the flesh and see my heart's desire, which was to pursue with passion the Lord Jesus Christ. He crowned my mothering efforts with His glory and produced 2 young men who are seeking after Him. I wish I had known that when my guys were little. Now you do! Perhaps this will help. Blessings.