1. Name: Patricia Ann Hunter at Pollywog Creek
2. Your family: My most handsome husband Louis and I have been married for 32 years. We have been privileged to raise 3 wonderful boys and a beautiful daughter. Michael is a nephew who came to live with us when he was 8. He is now 39 and married to Lizbeth. They have 2 lovely teenage daughters. Nick is 28, married to Kristin, and they have a 2 year old son. Casey is 24, married to Jessi, and they also have a 2 year old son. Emily is one month shy of her 18th birthday. She will be completing her high school studies at home this summer, and is considering attending Belmont in Nashville.
3. How did you start blogging? How often do you post?
Quite by accident. In the summer of 2005, I read about blogging in an on-line newsletter for writers and it sounded like a great idea. However, I apparently didn't read the article as well as I should have. I had no clue that people "out there" could actually read what I wrote in what I thought was a private on-line journal. You can imagine my shock when I got my first comment. Needless to say, my blogging content has changed dramatically from those initial naive efforts which were long ago deleted. Though I have attempted to schedule posts throughout the week in the past, I now just post when I am inspired to do so.
4. What inspires your posts?
Inspiration comes from a variety of sources, I think: a photograph, a beautiful day, sunlight, friends, family, a remembrance, books, the Holy Spirit, a divine encounter. An event that triggers my "passion points", such as the sanctity of human life, can also inspire me to write a post. I rarely write about my work in progress - a focus on elderly family care-giving - but that could change. Most of my posts just happen. As I walk around Pollywog Creek with my camera, I'm always talking to God - asking Him to show me glimpses of His glory that I might photograph them for others to see, as well.
5. You will never find me without......
Writing paper, pens, my camera, my cell phone (though I rarely use it).....and quite possibly a cup of coffee.
6. When you have free time, what do you do?
Read, enjoy a cup of tea and sweet conversation with my friend Joyce on her back porch, take leisurely walks with a camera, sit quietly on my backyard swing, listen to music, take a nap. Except for a few sports events, I rarely watch television.
7. What are you reading right now?
I am one of those people who has several books going at once. I keep a basket stocked with books that I am reading daily, along with books that I read here and there. The books that are in that basket today (it is ever changing) along with my ESV Study Bible include: Crazy Love by Francis Chan, Unpacking Forgiveness - biblical answers for complex questions and deep wounds by Chris Brauns, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp, The Cross of Christ by John Stott, A Blossom in the Desert: Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter by Miriam Huffman Rockness, Godward Life by John Piper, PURE - A 90-Day Devotional for the Mind, Body & Spirit by Rebecca St. James, Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, The Tapestry by Edith Schaeffer, Extreme Grandparenting by Dr. Tim and Darcy Kimmel, The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer, and My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers.
8. What else would you like us in the blogosphere to know about you?
It is only the grace and mercy and kindness and goodness of God that I am alive and who I am today. Seriously. As Nicole C. Mullin so powerfully sings, I know that my Redeemer lives. His name is Jesus. I pray that He is the one to who every good word I write and every lovely photo I post points. If not, then it's empty fluff and I need to be doing something else.
I came across
Pollywog Creek through
Patsy Clairmont's blog. She is an amateur photographer that takes some of the most gorgeous pictures I have ever seen. I was immediately struck by her ability to capture images with her camera and then relate spiritual truth to them in her posts. Let me encourage you to
click here to go over to
Pollywog Creek and enjoy her insightful weblogs and her gorgeous pictures. Be sure to leave a comment and tell her Jean sent you! You will want to add
Patricia to your blogroll.