I am still living partly in Nepal. It takes many months to fully formulate all that we have seen and done after one of these trips. I try to listen intently to the Lord and the "new revelations" He has for me as illustrated by the new life experiences He allows in these far away places. The people and faces continually run through my mind and I pray for those I met and those I never will. The workers there, Jesse and Shanee S, mean so much to us and I find myself thinking of her, especially, often. She is due with their first Mar. 1 and you know how I love me some mommas! Coming home is always hard on me on many levels, especially when the trip is accompanied with so much sickness and jet lag. But it is the emotional crushing that is the hardest to process and crystallize into its proper place. I always give my heart to the people I am with and frankly, I am running out of "heart" having left large pieces in Africa, India, and now Nepal.
The above picture is one of my favorites. This dear older lady came and set with Craig, Elesa and I during a break. They could not understand one word we said, but they just wanted to be near. How lovely. Her face was wrinkled and the evidence of a hard life was reflected in her frail, bend body. Her hands bore tattoos, probably left over from her precious pagan religion. Despite the hardships of her life, the joy of the Lord shown thru. She loved God and she loved God's Word. The pictures shows the difference in our lives but the commonality of our hearts. We are one in the Lord; sisters in Him from around the world!
As you celebrate the birth of Jesus, with all the wonderful trappings of family and friends, please do not forget what this time is all about. It is easy to forget the Perfect Gift in the midst of the gift giving. It is easy to replace the joy of the Lord with the mania of the season. It is easy to become "worldly" at the most holy time of the year. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Blessings.
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