Jesus said, I washed your feet. I, the Lord the Glory, set a side the glories of heaven, took the form of man in my Incarnation, lived a holy and perfect life and now I say unto you, go and do likewise. (Obviously my paraphrase) To all my bloggy mommies, we MUST develop the heart of a servant. Craig took this picture of my other little buddy, Stef Deck, as she knelt in the dirt and washed the feet of Indian women. Use your sanctified imagination and add the stirring sound of 600 women weeping and praying under the black night sky and you will get a sense of what we experienced. To God be the glory! We must become a servant-to our husband, to our children, to the body of the Christ, and to those who stand outside a personal relationship with Christ. We must. It is not fashionable. It is not easy. It assaults the self-life and forces it to be put to death, it goes against the diva nature we all have, it crucifies self, it keeps us dependent on God and it makes usmore like Him. Sister, we MUST develop the devotion of a servant. Notice I did not say the to develop the discipline of it-the grinding out of the legalistic bend of that part of tour nature that loves to check something off our long "to-do" list or that selfish part of us that loves to be seen of men. No, I am talking about learning to live out of the overflow of a devotion that is so Christ-centered that the driving passion of Christ consumes the soul and and calls us to kneel to wash the dirty feet of our husband or the dirty face of a child.
I challenge you to meet your husband at the end of his long day at the door with a basin and a towel. I beg you to consider washing your little children's feet and tell them the story of what Jesus did and teach them the Truth of what a true disciple of Christ is and how the Spirit-filled life looks when it is lived out in the life of a mommy. If you sense God is leading you to step out of your comfort zone and do it, please post a comment and tell me about it. Jesus is dying to hear from you and so am I. Blessings.
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