Knowing that you will quickly relate and emphasize with this sweet momma, I would like to ask all of you to pray for Stephanie Vasofsky. She is a young mom who attends the Bible study that I teach at Bellevue for Moms. She and her husband have one little girl named Zoe. Stephanie was just diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer. The chances of such a young woman (28 years old) being diagnosed with such a catastrophic advanced disease is greater than a million to one. To say that Stephanie is facing this enormous test of her faith with relentless courage and grace is an understatement. Her faith is uniquely strengthening her. She is not just surviving this unbelievable crisis of belief; she is actually thriving in the midst of it! Praise the Lord. She is facing 24 treatments of radiation and chemo with unwavering faith and unruffled grace. Only God would give such power in the face of this overwhelming adversity.
I have been writing a new Bible study for moms on the book of James. James famously says to consider it all joy when you encounter various trials because you can know that you know that God is in control. He is working out His truth and His treasure in you through the avenue of suffering. He is at work building purity and passion in your innermost being so that the reality of Christ in you, the hope of glory, might be seen like a shining star in the midst of the bleak crooked and perverse generation. He is maturing you, building perseverance and power in your life. He is testing you so that the dross of unbelief might be burned away, leaving the gleaming gold and silver of a faith that can be tested and proved behind after the ashes of the encumbrances of this world have been reduced to a fine powder and blow away. He is giving you the opportunity to become desperate for Him and to ask Him for wisdom to glean His perspective from the season of suffering He has ordained. God never wastes suffering. It is merely one of the tools He uses to groom His bride, the church, adorning her with grace and preparing her for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
I have walked with God for nearly 30 years and frankly, I cannot adequately explain why God would take a young family through such a painful process. I do not know why He would ask this precious mom to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. But this I do know...He never wastes any sorrow or suffering in the live of His children. But it remains a divine paradox to me why God would allow such pain and suffering. However, I rejoice with Stephanie in her ability to stand strong in the name of the Lord, without wavering and without abandoning her faith.
Stephanie, I do not know or understand the path God has carved for you, but this I do know...Our God is faithful. He is too loving to be unkind and too gracious to be cruel. He knows what He is about in your life and He will give you wisdom and insight as you continue to look to Him by faith. May God give you what you need during this testing of your faith. As one of many in the great crowd of witnesses surrounding you and cheering you on (Hebrews 12) please know that I am exceedingly proud of you and honored to be counted among your friends in the Lord. Run hard, the race that is set before you and fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May God bless you, dear one, and may you run and not grow weary and walk and not faint. May you sense that God is lifting you up on eagle wings and filling you with His favor. And may He cause those of us who know Him to pray on your behalf. James tells us that the fervent prayer of a righteous man will avail much. Pray, dear sisters in the Lord, for our sister Stephanie and her family.
Father, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
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