I am currently teaching a study on the Book of Proverbs, God's condensed book on wisdom. All of God's Word is "inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (see II Timothy 3:17) Reading and studying any part of it is beneficial. However, the Book of Proverbs contains nuggets of wisdom for daily living. It is written in the form of a series of essays on living, given to a young man coming of age by his father. It is a road map for godly living.
The problem with most of us, is that we do not know God's Word. We have come to rely on godly preachers and teachers to give us bite-sized pieces of the Word, but we have failed to learn to feed ourselves with the Bread of Life. Consequently, the lives and homes of many believers are imploding upon themselves. The foundation of Jesus Christ is in place, but the evidence of a life built of wood, hay, and stubble is revealed with the storms of live come. We must become students of the Word of God. We must saturate our souls with the Word of God and surrender our wills to the Spirit of God.
Many Christians know the parameters of the Christian life, rather than the power. Parameters of our faith can be learned by listening to godly preachers and teachers, but the power of God is reserved for those who also become obedient students of God's Word. The occupation of every child of God should be the active aggressive pursuit of personal holiness and practical righteousness. That comes one way, but studying the Word and obeying the Spirit.
If you have God's Word, you have truth. If you read God's Word you have knowledge. If you study God's Word you have understanding. If you obey God's Word you have WISDOM. Proverbs 1:1-4 says that Proverbs was written that we might know wisdom and understanding, that we might be able to discern the sayings of understanding and receive instructions in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity. Study to show yourself approved so that you do not have to be ashamed before God or man. (see II Timothy 2:15). Become a student of God's Word. Gain His wisdom and it will guide you through the minefields of this life and see you safely into the next. Hallelujah! What a Savior!